An Indispensable Companion…

I retired recently, which is several years before my wife, Annette plans to do the same. So most mornings she packs off the university to do her good work as an academic unit director. For me the house goes instantly quiet, which would be a bit unsettling were it not for my constant companion, my dog Nike…

Since my childhood, I’ve always had a dog or two around. In fact, I could not imagine life without a dog… I’m a dog person… I’ve had cats too and they’re fine; however, every cat I’ve ever owned has gone bad, soiling the house… No more cats…

Of the several dogs I’ve had live with me, some have been excellent, but Nike by far is the best dog I’ve ever been involved with. Indeed, as I was writing this piece she interrupted so that I would let her in the house from the backyard and then she promptly jumped onto my lap. She is a most attentive creature.

Nike is a Brittany. As her breed suggests, her gene pool was refined in the French province of the same name. At one time they were referred to as Brittany Spaniels; however, some years ago the AKC decided they were different enough from their Spaniel cousins to drop the designation. Now they are just plain Brittanies. Brittanies were bred to be hunting dogs, specializing in pointing and retrieving game birds. The characteristics required to be an excellent “gun dog” include toughness, endless energy, and intellect. Nike possesses all those characteristics in spades. She is the brightest dog I’ve ever taken into my life. In fact, she’s scary bright. Very little gets by her, she’s exceptionally attentive to her people and quite demanding too. When it’s time for her long evening walk, she will let it be known with a verbal lecture.

as a pup on the hunt…

Like most dogs too, she can be a pain in the ass at times… Stealing food from the kitchen counter, seeking attention by dragging out underwear from the dirty clothes basket, or excavating the yard. Nevertheless, taken in balance Nike is an indispensable companion and member of the family.

I do not hunt, so Nike does not get to express her instinctual gifts in the field, but she compensates… She roams a nicely sized yard bound by an “invisible dog fence” which gives her the freedom to police her kingdom. Living adjacent to the woods, there is enough wildlife activity to keep her in Defcon 1 mode most of the time. In fact, as sweet as she is to our family, Nike is a stone cold killer. She’s recently bagged three ground hogs, two of which I was able to save, and just the other day while Annette and I were sitting on the back porch, she nailed a big fat squirrel and dispatched it before I could intercede!

Fact is, she’s becoming a much more effective hunter over time. She studies the behavior of rabbits, ground hogs, birds and squirrels like a Talmudic scholar and knows intuitively when they make a mistake and expose themselves. Like a P51 Mustang fighter plane going after a Japanese Zero, she goes in high and fast and makes the kill… It’s a bit unnerving but I love that dog and she keeps me good company.