a first post…

Nike and me in Hartman forest..

I’ve been contemplating some time about finding a new space to post my thoughts and ruminations outside of social media, particularly Facebook (FB)… privacy issues as well as maintaining a sense of well being during my retirement lead me to question my continuing involvement with FB…

I do not want to compare myself to others, nor have others compare themselves to me, which I find problematic on FB… Further, I am increasingly wary of the utterly creepy instances where my involvement with FB indicates a lack of privacy and suggests that my “data” are being used for ill purposes I do not approve…

Consequently, I am going to wean myself from FB, yet I need a place to express myself, and for those who care to peek in, a place where friends and acquaintances can catch up with what I am doing… Call it a public journal… That is what I hope to accomplish on this website, which unlike FB, I must personally finance it, but it’s not that expensive… I do this with some trepidation because there are friends out in FB land that I have great affection for and will miss their reported activities, but after watching the Netflix documentary, “The Big Hack” I am convinced that extricating myself from FB is a good idea for myself and everyone else…

I invite anyone interested in my doings to follow along and comment (in a constructive way)…

2 Replies to “a first post…”

    1. Thanks David… I am hopeful my retirement is at least 1/2 as fun as how yours looks!

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